Finding the Yin and Yang in Cannabis Strains

Hey everybody! Glad to be here to drop another article for Cookies Sacramento. Iā€™m going to get a little gushy here and spread some love to Cookies for letting me write and dispense information about Cannabis, Cannabis products, and you knowā€¦ just everyday items which I hope you all might be interested in.

This article is coming at a special time, in fact my favorite time of the year. March is one of my favorite months for a variety of reasons and is despised by others for the very reasons I like it. Iā€™m a real contrarian at times, it makes life a little more interestingā€¦

But, yeah, back on track, March is a month full of uncertainty. You look outside and you see the cherry blossoms blooming and daffodils happily facing the sun one day, and the next day the wind is blowing the hood off your car and spitting rain in your face because you didnā€™t bring an umbrella. March is a month that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Itā€™s the unpredictability of March that I find so beautiful, the variety of the winter season giving way to spring. Itā€™s the most yin of yang months in my opinion.

So, as I was thinking about that concept, of unpredictability and how it creates an ebbing and flowing between forces of natureā€¦ I considered the yin and yang effects of cannabis and cannabis products, the nature of how their uses can help bring balance to individuals and their lives. And how March is a great month to explore the known effects of hybrid strains that unlock the best of both worldsā€™ between Sativa and Indica dominant strains.

Before we start and because this article wouldnā€™t be complete without itā€¦ be sure to visit Cookies Sacramento the next time you need to find high quality cannabis flower and products. Their friendly budtenders and staff are always there to help you all pick out the right cannabis products and essentials.

Oh yes, and maybe, you knowā€¦ hereā€™s a little blurb about what the idea behind what yin and yang are for those who arenā€™t familiar. ChatGPT do your thingā€¦

ā€œYin and yang, rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, depict the interplay of two opposite yet complementary forces in the universe. Yin embodies qualities like darkness, passivity, and intuition, while yang represents light, activity, and logic. The symbol, a circle divided into black and white halves, symbolizes their dynamic balance. They coexist in a state of constant flux, influencing natural phenomena and human life. Harmony arises from their interdependence and balance, with imbalance leading to disharmony. Embracing their diversity fosters a deeper understanding of existence and promotes equilibrium.ā€

So you see where Iā€™m going here? Yup hybrid strains for sure.

All About Hybrids

And Iā€™m not talking about cars here, though I do think I could repurpose this article to cover the yin and yang nature of vehicles, but I really donā€™t want to segway into that. No pun intended.

But yes, for most of us, there are two strains that define cannabis flowers. We often think of Sativa Dominant Strains and Indica Dominant Strains. Sativaā€™s are known for giving off euphoric, energized, and awake effects. And then at the other end of the spectrum are Indicaā€™s, which are commonly known for giving off relaxed, easy-going, and maybe even drowsy effects. Personally, I tend to lean towards Indica Dominant strains to help me sleep and (well) because Iā€™m an all-out stress case and need to dial myself down a bit. But thatā€™s just me.

But I have found that sometimes itā€™s nice to have a little mixture of the best of both worldsā€™ so to speak. Like, who doesnā€™t like a hot apple pie slice or say a freshly baked fudge brownieā€¦ topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Something about that hot and cold is just pure ā€œchefā€™s kiss.ā€ And further, to really experience existence, itā€™s a bit unnatural to say that there is only one season, or one way, or one routeā€¦ itā€™s a bit rigid, life and circumstances often call for flexibility. As in the quote here:

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu

Nature is flexible and adapts. So yeah, letā€™s look at some great hybrid strains for your yin and yang march month. Maybe they will broaden your horizons and enlighten your expectations.

Hybrid Strains at Cookies Sacramento

Fortune Cookie from OAKFRUITLAND

Sherbert X Biscotti

Fortune Cookie stands out as hybrid strain amongst cannabis users for its reported feelings of giving off a relaxed, happy, and euphoric effect.

Gorilla Cookies Infused Pre-roll from Himalaya

Gorilla Glue #4 & Thin Mind Girl Scout Cookies

Gorilla Cookies strain makes its presence known with users reporting effects of a relaxed, sleepy, and giggly effect.

Apple Fritters from Eighth Brother

Sour Apple and Animal Cookies.

Apple Fritter is described as a true hybrid strain with effects reported of feeling relaxed, giggly, and tingly.


March is cool month and certainly one of my favorites. Itā€™s definitely a great time to take in all the seasonal changes. The ebb and flow of natureā€™s cycle and the yin and yang of the seasons. Hope you all enjoyed this article on how hybrid strains take the best of both worldsā€™ to create a balanced effect for your next cannabis adventure and how they might come in clutch this March.

So next time you catch yourself eyeing those beautiful tree blossoms blooming this month, remember to head over to Cookies Sacramento dispensary for your cannabis flower and products. They carry a pretty wide variety of hybrid flower and products beyond those listed in this article and can lend more insight on which selections should suit your needs. I can say that they have a great staff, whoā€™s friendly and considerate and knowledgeable of the products they carry, and Iā€™m sure they will be able to help you out. From me and Cookies Sacramento to you, Happy March All!

Visit our store and find your happy medium!